
Leading Aerospace Supplier

Qualitel manufactures the sophisticated electronic systems required for the aerospace industry. Our proximity to Boeing facilities connects us intimately with the market’s changing demands and trends. From small helicopters and private jets to large commercial airlines, our experienced team delivers flight-critical aircraft control panels to meet your specifications.

Our aerospace customer segments include space, small to large business jets, commercial jets, airlines, cockpits, cabin power systems, and audio/video systems.

Parylene for ruggedized resilience

When long-term aerospace use requires high reliability and resilient assemblies, parylene conformal coating provides the ultimate protection in extreme conditions. Qualitel is one of the few PCB assembly manufacturers to offer parylene coating in house.

Certifications and Recognition

Our aim is to deliver the highest-reliability electronics products and services to our customers. Qualitel is proud to be AS9100D and ISO 9001:2015 certified. We are also recognized as a Tier I,II, and III supplier to many avionics companies, and an FAA repair station.

Woman smiling with blurred factory floor in background

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Your trusted partner for high-reliability electronic manufacturing.