
Qualitel is Hiring!!

Qualitel is actively recruiting new employees to fill many vacancies from material handling to soldering to testing to process engineering to cost analysis and many more.

A $2000 signing bonus is being offered for qualified assembler positions, and a $3000 bonus for Solderers.

For critical shop-floor positions – Material Handler, SMT Operator, Conformal Coat Lead, Conformal Coat Assembler, Entry Level Solderer and Intermediate Level Solderer – Qualitel will pay a signing bonus to any qualified applicant who chooses to switch companies and join the Qualitel team. Don’t wait. Call us today and apply!

Material Handler
SMT Operator
Conformal Coat Lead
Conformal Coat Assembler
Entry level Solderer
Intermediate level Solderer
Test Operator
Test Technician
Cost Analyst
Manufacturing/Process Engineer
Senior Quality Engineer
Master Scheduler
Quote/Obsolescence specialist

Job descriptions are available on our ‘Join Our Team‘ page.

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